How to Enjoy St. Patrick’s Day Without Harming Your Smile

February 27, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — camsquaredental @ 8:21 am
A group of friends celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at a bar

As you can see, spring and various seasonal events are nearly here. You’ve likely geared up for March Madness, Easter, and other celebrations by now. Still, don’t forget your preparations for St. Patrick’s Day. This special festival could ruin your grin if you’re not careful. You’ll thus want to practice the right tricks to protect your oral health. Luckily, your Morganville dentist can help you do just that. Here’s a summary of some crucial dental tips for St. Patrick’s Day.

St. Patrick’s Day & Oral Health

True enough, St. Patrick’s Day isn’t well-known for harming oral health. However, it tends to feature parties with a lot of tooth-rotting alcohol.

You see, tooth decay is a common effect of heavy drinking. Beers and wines contain a lot of sugars and acids – materials that can decay your teeth. When you have too many, your teeth are likely to get nasty cavities. This risk is even greater when you drink alcohol without breaks.

Worse, the alcohol used for St. Patty’s Day often has food coloring. This substance is added to give beer a more “festive” hue. So, drinking a bit too much may make your teeth and tongue green! You’d then have to sport an ugly smile for most of the day.

St. Patty’s Day Dental Tips

Of course, you can still enjoy St. Patrick’s Day without harming your grin. Simply follow the tips below:

Beware of Stouts

If you didn’t know, stouts are popular on St. Patrick’s Day. These dark beers contain roasted malts and barley that make for tasty drinks. Sadly, such ingredients also tend to stain teeth. You’d thus be wise to lay off the stouts and go for a lighter beverage.

Correct for Acidity

As stated earlier, beers contain a lot of acids. It’s to the point that they’re at 4 on the pH scale. Therefore, drinking them can quickly wear away at your enamel. Compensate by brushing your teeth after your day of drinking. That way, the acids will be removed before they can rot your smile.

Stay Hydrated & Prevent Dry Mouth

To be honest, alcohol can quickly leave you dehydrated. It’s a diuretic – a substance that makes your body lose more water and salt. Given that fact, sip on water throughout your drinking session. It’ll combat your dry mouth and wash away any bad bacteria and food debris.

Clearly, using dental tips for St. Patrick’s Day will make the holiday even better. Memorize the ones above so you’ll be ready by the 17th!

About the Practice

Cambridge Square Dental is based in. Led by Dr. Yana, our practice seeks to give every patient the smile care they deserve. That means we offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services, all tailored to the specifics of your unique grin. Our office also prides itself on being a certified provider of Invisalign clear aligners that straighten teeth. For more details or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (732)-972-6400.

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