Govern Your Gums: 4 Warning Signs of Gingivitis

January 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — camsquaredental @ 10:34 am
A closeup of a mouth with inflamed gums

If you suffer from gingivitis, you should get it treated quickly. This issue grows into a severe infection when left alone for too long. Still, maybe you don’t know whether you have gingivitis or not. You could easily miss the symptoms or mistake them for something else. Luckily, your Morganville dentist is here to help out a bit. Read on to learn about four warning signs of gingivitis and why to take them seriously.

Chronic Bad Breath

It’s normal to have bad breath once in a while. Your mouth could smell from drinking coffee, or perhaps the culprit is a fragrant meal. However, things change when the odor is chronic.

You see, one of gingivitis’ telltale signs is persistent bad breath. This fact stems from how the disease’s bacteria behave once they gather. As these microbes feed on proteins in your teeth and gums, they release sulfur gas. Such gas is rather smelly when it’s exhaled from your mouth.

Bleeding Gums

Of course, a foul smell isn’t the only symptom to watch for. Keep an eye out for bleeding gums as well. When gum tissue gets bloody, you likely have a case of gingivitis.

The reason comes down to the infecting bacteria. When they damage your gums, your body sends more blood to the affected area. Doing so helps you fight off the infection. That said, this effect can cause your gums to bleed when you brush.

Gum Inflammation

Your gums won’t feel normal if you have gingivitis. On the contrary, they’ll get inflamed by your condition. The core trait of gingivitis is gum inflammation.

Remember, a buildup of plaque will irritate your gums. This irritation can lead to inflammation – your body’s way to stave off an infection. Should that happen, your gums will become red, swollen, and sensitive. They’ll also feel tender when touched.

Overly-Long Teeth

To check yourself for gingivitis, don’t just look at your gums. Try to examine your teeth, too. If they seem longer than usual, you may have early gum disease.

The truth is that gingivitis slowly erodes your gum tissue. As this erosion occurs, your gums will start to recede and shorten. The recession will then expose your tooth roots if it goes unchecked. From there, your teeth will seem unnaturally long.

By knowing these warning signs of gingivitis, you can better protect your gums. Consult your dentist about treatment if you notice their presence.

About the Practice

Cambridge Square Dental is based in Morganville, NJ. Led by Dr. Yana Nemtseva, our certified practice seeks to give every patient their ideal smile. That means we offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services, as well as emergency dental care. Our team is also equipped to treat (and even reverse) the signs of early gum disease! If you’d like more details or to book a visit, please reach us on our website or by phone at (732)-972-6400.

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